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Natural Resources

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The main natural resource of Alhama de Murcia is Sierra Espuña (Sierra Espuña Regional Park), with an area of 25,000 ha, of which 17,804 ha are Regional Park, shared with the municipalities of Mula and Totana. Besides Sierra Espuña is declared to be a Special Protection Area for Birds (ZEPA) and Site of Community Importance (SCI).

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Other natural spaces are Barrancos de Gebas(Gebas' Gullies), declared Protected Landscape, the Saladares del Guadalentín (Guadalentín Salt Marshes), steppe ecosystem declared Protected Landscape and a Special Protection Area for Birds (ZEPA); the Sierra de la Muela, classified as Protected Natural Area; the Guadalentín River and the Parque Regional El Valle y Carrascoy (Sierra de Carrascoy Regional Park).

Resources list

Natural Park Sierra Espuña Natural Park Sierra Espuña
“Sierra Espuña” Natural Park is one of the natural spaces of Murcia historically protected due to the natural values that it contains. It is located in the geographic centre of the Reg...
Protected Landscape - Barrancos de Gebas (Gebas’Gullies) Protected Landscape - Barrancos de Gebas (Gebas’Gullies)
The name takes after the hamlet of Gebas located in northern area of the municipality of Alhama. It is an area of ​​over 2000 hectares embedded between ...
Sierra de La Muela Sierra de La Muela
It is a sandstone platform of about 1,600ha, located north of the town of Alhama. The shade forms gentle slopes, the sunshine, much steeper,creates small rugged shapes. In 1992 the Urban Development...
Protected Landscape –Saladares del Guadalentín (Guadalentín Salt Marshes)
In the proximities of Guadalentín River, an area of ​​2,600 hectares of wide mead owed olive groves, cereal plantations, fallow land and,...
Natural Park Sierra de Carrascoy - El Valle
Carrascoy raises in the southeastern area of the municipality, in another set of contrasts, a dizzying elevation starts from 100 meters in the Guadalentín Valley all the way t...

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