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Protected Landscape –Saladares del Guadalentín (Guadalentín Salt Marshes)

Home > Natural Resources > Protected Landscape –Saladares del Guadalentín (Guadalentín Salt Marshes)

In the proximities of Guadalentín River, an area of ​​2,600 hectares of wide mead owed olive groves, cereal plantations, fallow land and, above all, extensive salt marshes, constitute another important ecosystem, the steppe. Its vegetation components include species like almarjo and soda soap, which were until not long ago plants widely used in the manufacture of soap and glass. The importance of these salt marshes also lies in its peculiar fauna communities, particularly birds, starting with the Ortega, the Sisón and the marsh harrier.

Declared ZEPA zone (Special Protection Zone for Birds) in 2001, proven to be an ideal habitat for birds of steppe type.

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