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Home > Gastronomy


The cuisine of Alhama is mainly based on products of their land, (fruits, vegetables and also pork meat) accompanied by products from the Mediterranean Sea, very close to town. Remarkable "de la abuela" (grandma) dishes: Chard and cod stew, the gypsy pot, the fresh pot (a beans, rice and pork meat stew, very popular in winter), the Murcian “cocido” (chickpeas), the migas…roasted meat or fish in a wood oven. Of special mention are the different varieties of rice, which, prepared in wood, enhance its flavour, like rice with rabbit and snails, rice with vegetables, chicken, costillejas (little ribs) or seafood.

For those with a sweet tooth, Christmas cakes, Easter cakes, "mantecaos", cordiales and marzipans, rolls of wine, anise or yolk, orange cakes and alfajores, angel-hair pies or "murcianicos". The cakes baked with or without chicharrones are typical of the Festivity of La Candelaria. And let’s not forget the fruits of the fields and local orchards, such as citrus and table grapes. Our cuisine can be sampled at local restaurants and bars with a wealth variety of hot and cold "tapas".

The “matanza” or pork killing in Alhama de Murcia, as in many places,  has been the basis of family feeding for years. Rural families would rear and grow their own food, and the annual “matanza” was the day  on which the family pig was killed and the work undertaken to convert it into products which could be stored and eaten over a period of months. Thanks to a neighbour’s proposal, the Town Hall began to work to créate a “Fiesta de la Matanza” every year, where you can observe how different processed pork products (“embutidos”) are made and even taste them, as well as, dishes such as “fritá” or “olla fresca” (very popular pork meaty stew).


The Fiesta de la Matanza is held on February, the weekend after the celebration of the “Candelaria”.



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