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Sierra de La Muela

Home > Natural Resources > Sierra de La Muela

It is a sandstone platform of about 1,600ha, located north of the town of Alhama. The shade forms gentle slopes, the sunshine, much steeper,creates small rugged shapes. In 1992 the Urban Development Plan declared it "Protected Natural Area".

La Muela offers interesting remains of a lifestyle based on agriculture and stockbreeding that not so long ago were intensly developed. At present time, the basic use for the Sierra de la Muela is basically forestry, showing a growing development for recreation, sports and education. Hunting, hiking, mountain biking, paragliding and educational itineraries are some of the most frequent activities in this sierra.

We recommend visiting the Mirador de la Muela, from where the views of Alhama de Murcia are magnificent.

It is the ideal place for paragliding and hiking.

Sierra de La Muela
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