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Protected Landscape - Barrancos de Gebas (Gebas’Gullies)

Home > Natural Resources > Protected Landscape - Barrancos de Gebas (Gebas’Gullies)

The name takes after the hamlet of Gebas located in northern area of the municipality of Alhama. It is an area of ​​over 2000 hectares embedded between three mountain ranges: Espuña, La Muela and El Cura. What best characterizes this place is the landscape of gullies, ravines and canyons, devoid of tree cover, which is popularly known as "lunar landscape". Of interest are its erosion, geological forms, landscapes and plant communities on clay.

In April 1995, almost 1,900 hectares were declared "Protected Landscape".

A visit to the Mirador de los Barrancos de Gebas (Viewpoint of Gebas ' Gullies) from which the abrupt geomorphological complex forming the spectacular gorges can be observed, is highly recommended.

Protected Landscape - Barrancos de Gebas (Gebas’Gullies)
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