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Cultural Resources

Home > What to visit > Cultural Resources

Alhama de Murcia has a rich monumental and cultural heritage that speaks of its past. Main highlights are the Castillo Árabe(BIC) (Arabian Castle - Asset of Cultural Interest) which crowns the town,and the Archaeological Museum Los Baños where you can take a tour of two thousand years of history.

We can find a set of buildings of great cultural interest: the Mercado de Abastos (Food Market), by Pedro Cerdán, it is a meeting place and market since the early 20th century; Iglesia de San Lazaro (San Lázaro's Church) with a magnificent baroque facade; the Plaza Vieja , former social, economic and administrative center of the town at the foot of the Cerro del Castillo (Castle's Hill); the antiguo Ayuntamiento (old City Hall) restored as a cultural center; the Pósito Municipal (Municipal Barn), an institution dedicated to the regulation of cereal trade and the Casa de la Tercia (House of La Tercia/Public Granary) in which façade can be seen the heraldic shield of the Marquesado de los Vélez (Vélez´s Marquis); the Jardín de los Mártires (Martyrs Garden), old sea front; the Church of la Concepción, rebuilt with architectural and artistic approaches of Murcian baroque; the Jardín de las Américas (Americas Garden) and the Centro Cultural V Centenario (5th Centennial Cultural Center), old Saavedra family mansion which still preserves part of the orchard that surrounded it; and the Ayuntamiento (City Hall), former Artero family house, renovated in 1986 as town hall.

Resources list

Church of La Concepción Church of La Concepción
In the town of Alhama a hermitage was founded under the patronage from the worship to the Virgen Inmaculada (Immaculada Virgin), destined to meet the needs of the population, such as caring for t...
"Pasos" and Images Museum
Belonging to the Easter Brotherhood "Archicofradía de Nuestro Padre Jesús Nazareno".

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