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San Lázaro Bishop Church

Home > Cultural Resources > San Lázaro Bishop Church

The Church of San Lázaro Obispo is placed over the earlier Christian church about which there are records from 14th century and under the patronage of St. Lazarous, possibly built over the old mosque. The temple was expanded in the 16th century under the patronage of the Marquis of los Vélez and rebuilt in the first half of the 18th century with baroque architectural approaches, highlighting its ashlar facade divided into two bodies.

The neoclassical imprint is reflected in the Capilla de la Comunión (Communion Chapel) or Del Rosario (Rosary), the sacristy, and the alcove of San Lazaro, works in transit to the 18th century, under the direction of architect Lorenzo Alonso.

It was declared a BIC (Asset of Cultural Interest) in 2005.

Opening times


From Monday to Saturday: 7 pm
Sunday: 9:30 am, 12 pm, 8 pm


From Monday to Saturday: 8 pm
Sunday: 10 am, 12 pm, 8 pm

San Lázaro Bishop Church

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