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Home > Festivities > Easter

The 2021' processions have been cancelled due to the COVID 19 pandemic.

Spring in Alhama awakens with a burst of feelings that reflect the history, tradition and culture of a town that has been able to manifest in the unique setting of the street all the drama of the Passion of Christ, in a festival of colors, smells, tastes and sounds. The Brotherhood of Nuestra Señora de los Dolores y Soledad (Paso Negro) ("paso" float with a religious scene, a "passion float") starts a week full of feelings of longing and expectation with the Good Friday procession. The rich heritage of the guilds and brotherhoods of Alhama must be praised, being able to take out in processions over forty distinct passion floats.

The Confraternity of Nuestro Padre Jesus Nazareno (Paso Morado), runs through the streets of the town with the last light of the afternoon, in a whispery chiaroscuro. Late at night, in a spectacular and eerie silence broken only by a bolt and the quiet murmur of the drums, the brotherhood of San Juan Evangelista (Paso Blanco), moves in the darkness among the smell of burning wax and perfume flowers. The winding streets are filled with colorful parade of gowns and flowers.

Red velvet and satins of the Brotherhood of the Santa Mujer Verónica (Paso Colorao), along with the purple , white , black and blue Pasos from the brothers, become enveloped in the sweet smell of flowers decorating the thrones profusely and artistically. Every year thousands of flowers are purchased to create artistic flower arrangements on the thrones, true works of art that blend with the images the different Pasos bear.

Blue velvet and satin. The brotherhood of Santa María Magdalena (Paso Azul) in the streets of Alhama indicates that we are on the porch of the central part of our parades: the traditional and delicate floral ornamentation adds a touch of color to the night before the full moon of spring. Night of smell and Passion. We approach Good Friday with the feeling and the pain of the holy burial, but also with hope, love and peace.

Easter Sunday is the most spectacular and joyous day of our Easter in Alhama. Very early, in the light of the sun, shine in gold embroidered velvets of the five guilds and brotherhoods with their images on their shoulders, accompanied by their bands of music converging from different pathways in the city center; thousands of villagers and visitors await with emotion, the peak moment the passion parades, the triumph of life over death: the meeting of the risen Jesus with his Madre Dolorosa, escorted by San Juan, Veronica and María Magdalena. It's the emotion of an entire town around a feast of colors, smells, tastes and sounds.

Declared of Regional Tourist Interest in March 1995.

It is recommended to attend the Encuentros (meetings), both the one which evokes Jesus' encounter with his mother in the Calle de la Amargura on the morning of Good Friday, and the one which commemorates the meeting of the Risen Christ with María on the morning of Easter Sunday.

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