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Home > Festivities > CARNIVAL

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the traditional pilgrimage and procession have been cancelled.

Each year, with the first almond tree flowers in the Alhameñan orchard, preparations for the celebration of the Día de la Candelaría (Candalaria’s Day) on February 2nd, begins.

The first documented reference to the Candelaria festivity in Alhama de Murcia is found in the Libro Becerro (Calf Book) from the Casa y Estado de los Vélez (Los Vélez House and State) and dates back to 1635.

The celebration of this festivity seems to be limited to the religious sphere and we have documented proof that in the 19thcentury it was indeed mainly a religious festivity, blessing of candles, procession with the image of the Virgin inside the church and in the atrium.

Already in the 20th century celebrations of La Candelaria had to follow the same custom.

In the seventies of the 20th century the celebration experienced a significant evolution and, with the creation of the Brotherhood of La Candelaria, driven by Dña. Josefa Romera ("La Gonzala"), a hermitage is made available in a place called "El Collado" so that the new image of the Virgin, acquired by the Brotherhood in 1980 in Olot, can be worshiped throughout the year.

Since then, the Brotherhood of La Candelaria together with the Department of Celebrations of the City of Alhama organize the events that begin on December 25th, Christmas Day, carrying in procession the Virgin of la Candelaria to the church of La Concepción, where it remains for forty days until the presentation of Jesus in the temple that take place the night of February 1st. That very night takes place the procession from the church of La Concepción to the church of San Lázaro Obispo, and the next day (February 2nd, La Candelaria festivity), the Procesión de los Niños (The children Procession), and after mass the Romería (pilgrimage) carries the Virgin to its hermitage in “El Collado”, with many “romeros” (pilgrims) and musical groups accompanying the Virgin during the entire run.

After the Holy Mass in the Virgin’s hermitage, all the pilgrims who have accompanied the Virgin of la Candelaria can enjoy traditional regional cuisine like migas con tropezones, paella, Spanish omelet, the michironesand the beans, which the pilgrims carry in their "capazas" (baskets), enjoying a day of holiday and tradition and enlivened with the music from the street musicians.

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