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Home > News > Tickets are now on sale for the 6th ECOS, International Early Music Festival of Sierra Espuña.


Tickets are now on sale for the 6th ECOS, International Early Music Festival of Sierra Espuña. - 03/08/2022

Ya están a la venta las entradas para el VI ECOS Festival Internacional de Música Antigua de Sierra Espuña. Con precios populares de 5 y 10 euros, el encuentro ofrece una oportunidad única para co

With popular prices of 5 and 10 euros, the event offers a unique opportunity to connect with culture in the Territorio Sierra Espuña, both for adults and children, combining heritage, nature, gastronomy and music. 

From 1 August, tickets for the twelve concerts that will take place from 26 August to 11 September can be purchased on the website The booking of the tourist experiences linked to the festival at and

The festival takes place in the six municipalities covered by this territory. 

Alhama de Murcia will be the venue for the wind sextet Theresia Orchestra Winds. On 26 August they will perform in the Garden of the Archaeological Museum of Los Baños with two concerts, at 21:00 and 23:00, and the following day their music will be played, specially for families,  in the Cine Velasco Theatre with a single performance at 10:30. 

On 27 August Librilla will host Cantoría and Pablo Fitzgerald, the group promoting the Festival led by Jorge Losana, in an evening concert, starting at 21:00 in the Plaza de la Iglesia, and Anacronía the following day, on 28 August, in the same place. 

The Valencian group Ibera Auri is coming to Pliego to perform 17th century French and Spanish music. It will take place on 2 September at 21:00 on the Explanada de la Ermita de Los Remedios, repeating the experience in the town the following day with a matinee performance at 10:30 in the same place. 

The resident group Delle Donne Consort of Belgian flutes will perform in Mula on the 3rd of September at 21:30 in the Cloister of the Convent of San Francisco, where they will give a second matinee performance the following day. 

The English baroque ensemble Liturna will perform in Totana, in the Jardines de La Santa, on 9 September at 21:00 and 10 September at 10:30, in this case in the Church of Santiago El Mayor in Totana. 

The cycle will close in Aledo with the Trio Aido, formed by soprano, theorbo and Basel lute, on the same day 10, with two performances at 20:30 and 22:30 hours in the magical place of the Estrecho de la Arboleja, with another double morning performance on the 11th, at 10:00 and 11:30 hours, which will conclude the VI ECOS International Early Music Festival of Sierra Espuña.

Ecos Festival is a project organised by the University of Murcia, the Mancomunidad de Servicios Turísticos de Sierra Espuña and Early Music Project and subsidised by the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Tourism, the Ministry of Culture and Sport, the Government of the Region of Murcia, the Instituto de las Industrias Culturales y de las Artes and the Town Councils of the Sierra Espuña Territory. It is sponsored by Iberchem, El Pozo, Bodegas Juan Gil, Volvo and Mazda. 

Tickets are now on sale for the 6th ECOS, International Early Music Festival of Sierra Espuña.

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