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Alhama's council, awarded in the first Regional Tourist Quality Gala - 18/03/2021

The Alhama Tourist Office has been awarded together with other 28 municipalities, for its commitment to tourism quality during this Gala, held in Cartagena.

The Tourism Board of the regional government has recognized 28 municipalities in the Region, including Alhama de Murcia, for their commitment to tourism quality.

Coinciding with the extraordinary plenary session for the approval of the budgets for 2021, neither the Alhama's Mayoress nor the Tourist Councilor could be present at the Gala. Belén Hidalgo, a technician from the innovation office of the Murcia Region Tourism Institute, was in charge of representing the tourist offices and municipalities that did not attend. 

Through this award, the tourist counselor Cristina Sánchez, recognized all destinations for the work carried out by the municipalities, "for being directly involved in this system and achieving a homogeneous level of quality in the different tourist and general services offered to visitors, " she said. "They are the ambassadors of safe tourism in the Region of Murcia, responsible for 28 offices and tourist information points, 23 beaches awarded with the Q for Quality certification and leaders in accommodation, restaurants and and tourist and  companies," said Sánchez.

In addition, 263 businesses adherig to the SICTED quality system and 66 establishments distinguished with the 'Safe Tourism Certified' a distinctive that transmits the concept of safe tourism in tourist offices, beaches and tourist establishments, were also recognized.

Alhama's council, awarded in the first Regional Tourist Quality Gala
Alhama's council, awarded in the first Regional Tourist Quality Gala

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