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Home > News > The Sierra Espuña Territory sounds again this summer with its ECOS Ancient Music Festival


The Sierra Espuña Territory sounds again this summer with its ECOS Ancient Music Festival - 23/06/2019

The six towns of the Mancomunidad Turistica de Sierra Espuña have joined efforts to celebrate the fourth edition of this festival to be held from July 19 to 27 in different historical settings of Aledo, Alhama de Murcia, Librilla, Mula, Pliego and Totana

The mayor of Totana, Juan José Cánovas, accompanied by other mayors and councilors of the municipalities of the Mancomunidad Turística de Sierra Espuña association, including the Environment Councillor of Alhama, Antonio García, as well as the vice-chancellor of the University of Murcia, has presented on 21st of  June , at the Jardines de la Santa Hotel (Totana), the names of the ECOS resident groups selected for 2019, as well as the poster of its fourth edition, which will be held both last weekends of July in several historical and natural locations throughout the territory

The ECOS festival is for the Mancomunidad one of its flagship cultural products to structure tourism in the territory and it offers to visitors the chance to get to know the different municipalities and their cultural and natural richness.

In the first weekend of the festival we can highlight the concert offered by Raquel Andueza and Jesus Fernandez in the Los Baños Archaeological Museum of  Alhama de Murcia, with music by Monteverdi, Merula and other Italian composers. The day before the opening concert of the festival will be held in the Estrecho de  la Arboleja of Aledo, by the Polish string quartet  Quartetto Nero, resident group ECOS of 2018, which will perform works by Haydn, Telemann and Vivaldi.

Cantoría and the Ensemble ECOS, conducted by Jorge Losana, will perform the  scores of the Totana Manuscript, which will also be presented at the Med & Red Congress in Basel by the CSIC researcher and musicologist, Emilio Ros Fábregas. In this concert, hold in the Santuario de Santa Eulalia in Totana, you can listen to works by  Alfonso Lobo and Francisco Guerrero.

On the second week, the concerts of the Early Music Kids programme will be held in the summer schools of the villages of Sierra Espuña, where children will be able to discover instruments such as the Baroque traverse, the organ or the natural trumpet. These concerts will be offered by young musicians from the Early Music Project, such as Pablo FitzGerald, Ignacio López, David Gutiérrez and Marc de la Linde.

The resident groups ECOS selected for 2019, which will offer concerts in Pliego and Librilla, have been L'Aquilegia, Italian duo formed by Teodora Tommasi (voice and medieval harp) and Federico Rossignoli (lute) with a programme around Bartolomeo Tromboncino (1470 / 1535) and his contemporaries, and Serendipia, a duo of recorders born in the Escola Superior de Música e Artes do Espectáculo (ESMAE) in Oporto formed by Rita Rodríguez and Moisés Maroto, with a program that explores the decreases and the theory of the affections in the music of van Eyck, Playford, Telemann and Uccellini.

ECOS Festival will conclude with the Early Music Night: a night with micro-performances by the collaborating musicians of the festival and the resident ECOS groups that will fill with historical music the emblematic San Francisco Museum of the city of Mula. The festival completes a cultural and tourist offer that includes concerts, outreach and training programs, tourist experiences and natural activities in the Sierra Espuña Territory.

All the concerts of the festival are free and have a limited capacity due to the characteristics of the venues in which they take place. It is necessary to book tickets online, which will be available from June 27 from the website of the festival

After the presentation of the festival's poster a baroque music concert for violin, natural trumpet and organ was held at the Santuario conducted de Santa Eulalia, performed by Abraham Parra, Ignacio López and Manuel Torregrosa, with works by Biber, Bertali, Viviani and Finger .


The Sierra Espuña Territory sounds again this summer with its ECOS Ancient Music Festival
The Sierra Espuña Territory sounds again this summer with its ECOS Ancient Music Festival
The Sierra Espuña Territory sounds again this summer with its ECOS Ancient Music Festival

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