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Change of date on the third hiking route of Sendalhama 2019 - 05/03/2019

The route to Sierra Espuña, El Alto de la Almoloya is advanced to 7th April and, therefore, the registration period for this route and the one for May is also advanced.

The third hiking route was planned on 28th April, but, coinciding that day with the general elections, the Concejalía de Medio Ambiente has been forced to advance it to 7th April.  This also implies that the opening of the registgrations will be moved to Tuesday 26th March for these two routes:

- 7th April: Sierra Espuña 1 - El Alto de la Almoloya.

- 12th May: Noroeste - El Estrecho de Bolvonegro.

We take this opportunity to inform you that the route to Alto de la Almoloya (7th April) includes an additional cost of € 3 on the usual € 3 for each route. This is because this hiking route includes the guided visit (in Spanish) to the Argaric village of La Almoloya, where a team of archaeologists will explain the importance of this archaeogical site of the Bronze Era.


Change of date on the third hiking route of Sendalhama 2019
Change of date on the third hiking route of Sendalhama 2019

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