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Bus times changes - 19/12/2014

The bus times to Cartagena have been changed and the bus service to Murcia, Lorca, Camposol and Mazarrón are running a special Christmas bus time.

Click this link to donwnload the new bus times to CARTAGENA. The itinerary has changed and the buses are linking Alhama to Cartagena trough Fuente Álamo, reaching a lot of intermediate points

ATTENTION: After publishing this new, in which we reminded you that the bus stop to Cartagena was still located in the Avenue Ginés Campos, next to the Petrol Station REPSOL, on 23rd December, we've confirmed that the bus stop for buses ALSA going to Cartagena is the one of Avenida Juan Carlos I, opposite the Public Market (near the Tourist Office). On the ALSA website this change is not updated. Bus times are, therefore, subject to the transport company decisions and may be changed without a previous communication, so we recommend you to check with ALSA  The company's ticket office in the Bus Station of Cartagena is +34 968 51 18 49.

Concerning to the buses going to Murcia or Lorca, the transport company TRAPEMUSA notifies of the following special Christmas Bus Time.

From 23rd December 2014 to 7th January 2015

Alhama- Lorca: the bus leaving at 12.45 pm has been eliminated

Alhama – Murcia : the bus leaving at 12.45 pm has been eliminated

24th December and 31st December:

Last departure from Alhama to Lorca: 7,45 pm

Last departure from Alhama to Murcia : 7.45 pm

1st January

First departure from Alhama to Lorca: 12,45 pm.

First departure from Alhama to Murcia : 12,45 pm.

The information about bus times have been offered by the transport company TRAPEMUSA / IASA. For a further information you can contact them at the Tickets Office of the Bus Station of Murcia, or at the phone no.: 968 298 927.


The company Autocares Martínez informs that on 25th December and 1st January there will not be any bus going to Mazarrón, Camposol or Puerto de Mazarrón. They also inform that from Friday 26th December to Tuesday 6th January, they will run the bus times for bank holidays, restarting the usual schedule on Wednesday 7th January.


Concerning the train RENFE, we remind you that on 24th December and 31th December, the last train service is supressed. So, last train to go to Murcia leaves at 21.31 pm and the last train to Lorca leaves also at  21.31 pm.

On 25th December and 1st January the train leaving at 8.11 am from Alhama to Lorca is cancelled.

Bus times changes

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