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Home > News > High wildfire hazard from 1st May to 30th Septembre.


High wildfire hazard from 1st May to 30th Septembre. - 03/05/2014

From 1st May until October, the barbecues situated in the Recreational Areas of the Regional Park Sierra Espuña will be closed, and it’s not allowed to make any kind of fire.

The Regional Department of Environment warns of the risk associated with the use of fire, due to the current drought, and advises caution to safeguard the forest and natural espaces.

From 1st May until 30th September it’s forbidden to make any kind of fire, and the prohibition includes the barbecues of Sierra Espuña.

Thanks for your help in the conservation of this sensitive natural area!

High wildfire hazard from 1st May to 30th Septembre.

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