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Home > News > Canal Cocina, a TV gastronomic channel is recording a program in Alhama next Friday


Canal Cocina, a TV gastronomic channel is recording a program in Alhama next Friday - 12/02/2014

Our Mayor, Alfonso Fernando Cerón Morales, is going to prepare the traditional "olla fresca" (meaty stew)

Our rich gastronomy will be enhanced thanks to the program of Canal Cocina "The Mayor is cooking today", broadcasted in the whole Spain. 

The caravan set  will be installed in the Square of the Church of St. Lazarus on 14th February. You are invited to the recording that will start at 12:30.

The TV channel Canal Cocina will also visit El Lomo Trading S.L., local producers of ecological citrus fruits, and other gastronomic landmarks such as  ElPozo Alimentación and the Restaurant El Chaleco.

You can win an apron of the program if you participate in the photo contest that the TV channel runs related to this program and the caravan set. Click here for a further information:

Canal Cocina, a TV gastronomic channel is recording a program in Alhama next Friday

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