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4th Fiesta de la Matanza - 03/02/2014

The Tourist Office will be open on Saturday 8th February from 10 am to 1 pm and from 5 pm to 8 pm and on Sunday 9th February from 10 am to 1 pm.

This festivity it’s a chance for visitors to learn more about the “matanza” (pig slaughtery) and how the traditional meat products are made. The programme includes an exhibition with pictures and historical implements and tools related to the “matanza”, tastings of sausages, cold meats and traditional pork stew, and the performances of different “cuadrillas” and folk groups.

On Saturday 8th February the program starts with the traditional work of the local “matachines” (skilled butchers) quartering the pig and preparing cold meats like sausages, morcillas (a kind of black pudding with onions), etc. A divulgative talk about the “matanza” will be held on Sunday 9th February, at 10:30.

All these activities will be held in the marquee installed on the Fairground, behind the Municipal Park La Cubana. You can withdraw the program from the Tourist Office, open this weekend of download it above.

This year, local artisans will selll their products in the surroundings of the marquee ant several bars and restaurants offer tapas and dishes related to the matanza:

- Panocho : Pork paws and pork brochette .
- Jarro de Oro: Pork paws & ears.
- Casa Martín: “Olla fresca” pork meaty stew.
- Coquus : Tapas with chorizo (spicy sausages)
- Bar Hispano: Pork liver and fried potatoes with garlic.
- El Chaleco: Pork fillet with meat juice.
- Americas: Open sandwich with pork sirloin.
- Los Bartolos: Pork sirloin with mushrooms.

Everyone is invited to this celebration that links tradition and gastronomy .

4th Fiesta de la Matanza

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