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We already know the winners of the 8th Tapas & Cocktails Trail - 29/11/2013

The public raffle has been held this morning and we also know the awarded as "Best Tapa" and "Best Cocktail".

Once finished the eight edition of Tapa and Cocktail Trail, the public raffle has been held this morning at the Town Hall, and has been attended by the local media.

The Councillor of the Department of Tourism, M ª Carmen Rodriguez Canovas and the Secretary of HOSTEALH , Bartolome Valverde, have extracted the winner brochures, with the following results:

Ø 1st Prize: 1,000 euros in vouchers to spend in the participating bars & restaurants, to José Sánchez Álvarez, from Alhama de Murcia.
Ø 2nd Prize: a TV, offered by Bodegas Los Cabezos (La Hoya ) to Encarnación Tudela Méndez, from Alhama de Murcia.
Ø 3rd Prize: a set of products Mahou, offered by Belchi Espadas Distribuciones, to Martin Belchí Nieto from Alhama de Murcia.
Ø 4th Prize: a set of products Bodegas Luzon , offered by Belchi Espadas Distribuciones, to Carmen Gabarrón Soriano from Alhama de Murcia.
Ø 5th Prize: a set of products Coca Cola, offered by Bodegas Los Cabezos (La Hoya ), to Ana Isabel Martínez Ceron, from Alhama de Murcia.
The prizes will be delivered on Tuesday 3rd December, at 5 pm in Casa de la Cultura, instead of Monday.

At the same time, the Town Hall will deliver the awards to “Best Tapa” and “Best Cocktail” to the following establishments:

- Best Tapa: “Cerdo blanco estofado con salsa al vino”, of the restaurant El Chaleco.

- Best Cócktail: “Mouse de Turrón”, of Ninfas Pub.

The following best rated by the participants have been the following:


2º: “Rollito de berenjena con relleno de atún y crema de queso” of Hotel-Restaurante Los Bartolos

3º: “Tosta con piperada y gulas” of Restaurante El Chaleco.


2º: “Asiático” of Ninfas Pub

3º: “Alhama Specie”, of Coquus Restaurante.

The Department of Tourism wants to thank the residents and visitors that have participated in this Tapas & Cocktail Trail and congratulates all the winners and awarded.

We already know the winners of the 8th Tapas & Cocktails Trail

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