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Home > News > Guided visits to the Castle of Alhama will start on 27th October


Guided visits to the Castle of Alhama will start on 27th October - 03/10/2013

From 27th October, visits will be held on the second Saturday and fourth Sunday of each month. At the moment, they are just available in Spanish.

Last Monday the Councillor of Tourism presented the new program of visits: "Meetings at the Castle of Alhama de Murcia" Read the new here.

Inscriptions should be made at the Archaeological Museum Los Baños and the price of the tour is 3 for adults and 2 for children aged 12 yers and under.The visits will be held on the second Saturday and fourth Sunday of each month.

At the moment the visit will be only available in Spanish, however, this is a good opportunity to discover the Fortress and to access to the Keep. If you are interested in visits in English, you can leave your personal data at the Archaelogical Museum in order to gather a group.

We remind you that in addition to the visits to the Castle, the Department of Tourism offers free theatrical tours (in spanish) through the historic city, on the third Sunday of each month.

Guided visits to the Castle of Alhama will start on 27th October

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