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Home > What´s on > CARNIVAL 2024: PARADE-CONTEST

17/02/2024 - 16:30

Av. de la Constitución


Itinerary: Av. de la Constitución, Rambla Don Diego, Av. Sierra Espuña, Isaac Albéniz, Molino, Rambla Don Diego, Corredera, La Feria, Juan Carlos I, Av. de la Constitución.

The parade will open with the batucada D'AKOKAN.

There will be prizes for the best individual and collective costumes, as well as subsidies for groups.

Collective prizes:
  • 1st prize. 180 euros and trophy.
  • 2nd prize. 120 euros and trophy.
  • 3rd prize. 90 euros and trophy.
  • 4th prize. 60 euros and trophy.
(2 runners-up prizes consisting of trophies, and a special runner-up prize for the best group of visiting Peñas).

Individual prizes:
  • 1st prize. 100 euros and trophy.
  • 2nd prize. 60 euros and trophy.
  • 3rd prize. 50 euros and trophy.
  • (Second prize consisting of trophy).
INSCRIPTIONS UNTIL FEBRUARY 14th, at the Casa de la Cultura, Concejalía de Festejos. Telephone: 968631985, Ask for the rules and regulations of the parade.

The prize-giving ceremony will take place once the parade is over, at the door of the Town Hall.

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