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Home > What´s on > FIESTA DE LA MATANZA 2024

10/02/2024 - 9:30

Parque de la Cubana


There will be product tasting, exhibition, musical performances, exhibitions, workshops and awards. Free admission.


9.30 am. - Opening of the festival Marquee in Parque La Cubana. From 10.00 a.m. onwards, traditional butchering of a pig and preparation of cold meats and delicatessen products: the different sausages including morcilla, salchicha. This year, frying pans of “magra con tomate” (pork meat with tomato sauce).

10.00 am .- “Tour the City”, guided tour through the city centre. Previous booking required at the tourist office (+34 968 633 512) or online. Price: €3 for adults and €2 for children from 3 to 12 years old. . Meeting point: Los Baños Archaeological Museum.

10.30 am. –Official opening of the exhibition “La Fiesta de la Matanza en Alhama”, by the Mayoress Mrs. María Cánovas López. Display of instruments, tools and equipment associated with the acts of a matanza, as well as photographs from the last edition of this event.

11.00 am. – Live music from the traditional music group “Cantores de Alhama”.

11.55 am. - Work begins to prepare a paella with pork meat from the matanza. The winner of several rice cooking competitions, Victoria Andreo, will cook a paella for all attendees with the help of friends.

11:30 am. Live music from the traditional music group “Cuadrilla de El Berro”.

12.15 pm. Live music from the traditional music group “Taller de Cuerda del Centro de Mayores”.

12.30 pm.- Free “salchichas and morcillas” for all to taste (pork sausages and sweet black sausages).

1.00 pm.- Live music from the traditional music groups “Músicos de Sonata and Cuadrilla de La Costera”.

2.00 pm.- “La Manita Dorada”, official award of recognition to a person or institution who has worked to promote the Fiesta. This year the award goes to Leo and Juanjo, who have collaborated and worked to promote this festival from its inception.

2.15 pm.- Free samples of “magra con tomate” (pork meat with tomato sauce) for all to try.

2.30 pm.- Free paella for all attendees.

5.00 pm.- Display of ham cuttings by the professionals , David García Romera and Jorge Alcaraz Sevilla,  with all the ham cut served to attendees.

5.30 pm. “Un paseo por Alhama”. Guided tour in Spanish through the city centre. Previous booking required at the tourist office (+34 968 633 512) or online. Price: €3 for adults and €2 for children from 3 to 12 years old. Meeting point: Los Baños Archaeological Museum.

6.10 pm.- Work begins to prepare “migas con tropezones” for all, cooked by Pedro Jaro,  the winner of the “Feria 2023” migas competition, with the help of friends.

6.30 pm.- Live traditional music from the folk group “Grupo de Coros y Danzas Virgen del Rosario”.

7.05 pm.- Free morcón (white sausage) and sobrasada (a red pork meat paste with sweet paprika and other spices) for all to try.

7.15 pm.- Live music from the traditional music group La Edad de Oro.

8.00 pm.- Live music from the music group “Los Zalameros”.

8.15 pm.- Free migas for all to sample.

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