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Paths of Sierra Espuña

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  • Path "Siete Hermanos", PR-MU 41
    Itinerary: Point-to-point track.
    Approximate Distance: 3.350 m
    Approximate Time: 1 h. 10' without stopping
    Starting Point: Visitors Centre "Ricardo Codorníu" 30S / X630943 / Y4191043
    Arrival Point: Recreational area of “La Perdiz” 30S/ X630182/ Y4192494
    Ascent Drop:106 m.
    Descent Drop: 121 m.
    Cartography: Esc. 1:25.000 of the IGN: 933-III Alhama de Murcia

  • Path "Ricardo Codorníu", SL-MU 1
    Itinerary: Circular route
    Approximate Distance: 2.260 m
    Approximate Time: 45 min. without stopping
    Starting Pointand Arrival Point: Visitors Centre "Ricardo Codorníu" 30S / X630943 / Y4191043
    Ascent Drop: 80 m.
    Descent Drop: 80 m.
    Cartography: Esc. 1:25.000 of the IGN: 933-IV Sierra Espuña; 933-III Alhama de Murcia.

  • Path "La Umbría de Peña Apartada", PR-MU 59
    Itinerary: Point-to-point track
    Approximate Distance: 6.570 m
    Approximate Time: 2 h. 30' without stopping
    Starting Point:Visitors Centre "Ricardo Codorníu" 30S / X630943 / Y4191043
    Arrival Point: Collado Bermejo 30S/ X626078/ Y4190899
    Ascent Drop: 426 m.
    Descent Drop: 121 m.
    Cartography Esc. 1:25.000 of the IGN: 933-III Alhama de Murcia; 932-IV Sierra Espuña

  • Path Valle de Leyva – Collado Mangueta, PR-MU 57
    Itinerary: Point-to-point track
    Approximate Distance: 7.950 m
    Approximate Time: 3 h.without stopping
    Starting Point: Recreational Area “La Perdiz” 30S/ X630270/ Y4192526
    Arrival Point:Parking Collado Mangueta 30S/ X626078/ Y4192518
    Ascent Drop: 635 m.
    Descent Drop: 0 m.
    Cartography: Esc. 1:25.000 of the IGN 933-III Alhama de Murcia.

  • Path "Pedro López", PR-MU 63
    Itinerary: Circular route
    Approximate Distance: 16 km
    Approximate Time: 5 h.without stopping
    Starting Point y final: Parking Collado Mangueta 30S/ X626050/ Y4192530
    Ascent Drop: 638 m.
    Descent Drop: 638 m.
    Cartography: Esc. 1:25.000 of the IGN 932-IV Sierra Espuña.

  • Path of "El Berro", PR-MU 79
    Itinerary: Circular route
    Approximate Distance: 10,5 km
    Approximate Time: 3 h. without stopping
    Starting Point: El Berro, next to the Camping of Sierra Espuña 30S/X632630/Y4194672
    Arrival point:The same (circular itinerary)
    Ascent Drop: 297 m.
    Descent Drop: 297 m.
    Cartography: Esc. 1:25.000 of the IGN: 933-III Alhama de Murcia

  • Path of "Gebas", GR-252.1
    Approximate Distance: 11,23 km.
    Approximate time: 4 or 5 hours walking
    Starting point: Alhama de Murcia (Jardín de los Patos), 185 m. altitude.
    Arrival point: Gebas (the viewpoint), 429 m. altitude.
    Ascent and descent drop: 448 m
    Cartography: Map 933-III of Alhama de Murcia; Es. 1:25000 of the IGN.

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